What Is An Ugly Panel?
There are many types of ugly panels presently in use in older homes. Many home inspectors, consumer watchdog groups and even the Consumer Product Safety Commission have weighed in on the subject. Below are some of the more common potentially hazardous situations lurking among us.

Zinsco Panels may leave homes and homeowners at risk to both fires and electrical shock if the panel cannot trip due to age and buss bars scorching behing the breakers.

FPE Panels can potentially fail to provide proper safety and protection for homes. They can appear to be working fine but can become a fire hazard.

Outdated Panels were not designed to handle our current electrical needs. Older panels often only have 60 amps when today they need about 150.

Burned Panels are the result of a bad panel, wires touching, breakers not tripping and much more. If your panel looks like this, it's definitely ugly!

Melted breaker wires occur when a breaker that should be protecting them fails and will not trip.
Remember: Just because things seem fine on the surface doesn’t mean that there are not issues deeper inside the heart of your home’s electrical system. Call today to have your panel inspected by a professional electrician.
Note: Please do not attempt to open your electrical panel if you are not qualified to do so. Risk of electric shock or death may occur when non-qualified persons attempt to work around energized electrical equipment!